Rain pours all day when you feel sad To wash away your tears
Wind swoops in with gusto To shake off your concerns
The sun shines so brightly To grow your beautiful smile
Rainbows seem so far away, yet within reach To give you hope
Thunder claps so loudly To applaud you and your courage
Snow is white A fresh canvas for your footprints
Hail comes so hard and fast A wake up call like nothing else
Rivers sound like a drum Pulsing and beating alongside the rhythm of your heart
Fog can sit for hours in contemplation A prompt to get lost in your imagination
Clouds unexpectedly lift in an instant To unveil the hidden truth with a punch
The sweet sheep, donkey, dog or pony looks you in the eye To soften you for a while
Because when people aren’t there to meet your needs Nature will respond to you Make space for you to breathe.
I recently went for a walk in the rain, wandering away from the path towards a cluster of trees that I've often noticed in the distance. After exploring the ground for fungi and taking photos in the damp dusk, I felt really inspired to write.
I shared this with the people taking part in a therapeautic writing course called Alchemy by Ruth Coates and received lovely feedback about it, so I decided to publish it here on my blog. The course is wonderful, supportive and hugely powerful.