In 2017, Hannah backpacked overland through 18 countries on an adventure from England to Bhutan on an Expedition called 'Road To Happiness', to discover and document what makes people happy. Now she creates content to give Entrepreneurs, business owners, adventurers and passionate individuals the tools to discover more about themselves, make the world a better place and improve their life and business. I asked Hannah about why she started betternotstop and how she responds when faced with new challenges.

Who is Hannah Cox?
I would describe myself as an ideas person. I love learning and discovering new ways to do things and challenging my own ideas and thoughts! I'm pretty creative, despite the fact I have built a career more based through project management and helping others shape their ideas into fully formed concepts. I love to be outside, to travel and meet new people. I care deeply about my friends and family and love to help others where I can. I'm a pretty sensitive soul so I tend to be very protective of my time and who I spend it with.
Why did you start betternotstop?
Because I wanted to connect with other people who wanted to take control of their lives. I learnt in my teens, that if I wanted to change something in my life, no one else was going to do it for me. It was my responsibility, choices and mindset which could make a huge impact on my life. Thats not to say I don't mess up (I have ALOT) but always coming back to understanding I have the tools and resources within myself to change things. I wanted to share that feeling, and because of my love of travel and adventure, I also tend to attract people who love that too!
How has your business evolved since you had the idea?
I've been doing some real soul searching recently especially around recent challenges we have been experiencing with the global health crisis. My business was based on travel, work, connection and community so I have needed to take a step back about how I can still serve that audience but in a way that provides real value in this new world order.
What does betternotstop mean to you?
Its a reminder. Yes we go through shit, we can often feel helpless, but its a reality check. We are moving forward. Time is not stopping. Things will be better. It is actually a great way for me to think, 'right, this is where I am right now - what steps can I make to change this if I am not happy with where I am?'
It's about not settling for what you think you deserve, but having goals, motivation and believing you can do something.
When you're faced with new challenges, how do you usually respond?
Something I have noticed I do, which I am taking the time to understand more fully, is my defence mechanism in challenging situations. Because I love to learn I don't worry too much if its something I haven't done before, I can learn and will learn new skills. I do have a tendency sometimes when a project or challenge seems too overwhelming, to struggle to even get started on it. I try to do too much and then get nothing done. Now that I recognise this I have learned to be patient and take my time. I have learnt to say no to projects or ideas that even if I want to do, is going to make my workload too high. I am focusing on completing existing projects and goals before creating anymore. I have also learned to let go of things. If something isn't working, even if I have invested time and money into it, whether thats a relationship or business opportunity to completely let go without drama. I have walked away from friendships and work that doesnt serve me. Before I felt the only way to do this was through some dramatic arguement or public announcement. I've realised I dont need to do this I just need to do me.
After three years of following Hannah's travels and business ventures, we finally met up in Manchester and then for a walk in Edale earlier this year (2020). She has an amazing ability to connect with people and create meaningful conversations, and a great sense of humour! She's one of those people that I felt really comfortable with straight away.
There is all sorts of valuable content on her blog, plus some exciting news about her goals for the second half of 2020. If you need support with your own goals Hannah has a cohort programme with applications open now. The next regional Cohort Programmes begin in September and October 2020.
Follow Hannah on LinkedIn and sign up to her newsletter for updates. You can also catch her on the Tough Girl podcast talking about her expedition.
Finally, if you have any comments on this post or if you would like to be interviewed please email